LA Nights - 11
in my head we were just two gamer kids in love
I remember it like yesterday when I got this job for farfetch . I recieved an email from my agent, Phira that read
“Farfetch confirmed - 10k”
I immediately called him as I thought it was a mistake, I didn’t do any casting, audition, or even was put on hold for this . Surely it wasn’t for me . But it was, and I started to scream as I was in the car on the way to the grocery store - Holy shit, 10k for a direct booking one day campaign ?!
At the fitting, I found out how it happened . The casting director was an acquaintance, and when they needed a fun, cool LA local, she reccomended me . How amazing is that ? So I basically got it through my personality, which makes it even sweeter . The last time I saw her we were at a rave in chinatown called, RUMOURS . She was sitting on a speaker near the DJ
I walked up to her, grinning . “You look like you need a drink and a dance”
She shot me a devilish smirk . “Yes, I do”
I loved that moment, it was cool and sexy . I love blurring the lines with work connections . The professional wall crumbles, and you get to see people with their hair down . And I like it that way ;)
When I get to set I learn that the previous group of models were all rollerblading at this famous rink in Glendale . But one of the girls fell and snapped her arm in half, literally had to be taken away on a gurney . And the clients were of course afraid for her, but also worried because they couldn’t get the Gucci dress off of her as her arm was snapped and trapped inside of it . And as awful as it was, the first thought that crossed my mind ? - "I hope this doesn't screw up my part of the day" So, so selfish !
Then I found out who my on-set girlfriend was - Fernanda Ly . This girl is major, she’s a top 50 model in the world right now, literally . She’s ranked on and I see her everywhere . Wow, now I see why this is a 10k job, this is a big one . I said hello to her but I could see she wasn’t really interested in talking to me . I asked her if I could sit next to her and watch her play her Nintendo Switch and she said yes .
The day was fun, I had two looks, one w/ a suit, and one more casual . They hired tons of extras, one of them, Eleanor, I see at Rhonda all the time . There was a food truck, Fernanda and I pretended to get dumplings and then kissed over and over and over, which was sweet (hehe) .
After the shoot, I should have done something sweet to celebrate, like take a girl on a beautiful date . Or go out w/ some friends to celebrate w/ a couple of drinks . You know, something chic, to celebrate my biggest print job that I just did . But what does Jesse do ? He goes to Tenants of the Trees, to get as fucked as he can, almost in defiance to destroy the elegance of today in some sort of a party rage . And rage I did… I cracked a glass table, and I was told to never return to that bar . How sad is that? Not the ban (who cares now), but the way I behave .
And yet, if I’m honest - part of me still thinks it was the perfect way to close out the night ;) Who knows, I don’t try to remember that part..
I try to remember working with Fernanda .
Even though we barely spoke on set, I like to imagine we were just two gamer kids in love, and you were just too shy to say anything .
Yep. I’m rolling with that !